
Missions Opportunities

Are you looking for opportunities to join Jesus in what he is doing around the world this year? We have lots of amazing opportunities coming up through ACTION and TREK  that could be a great fit for you. If you are interested or have any questions we would love to connect! ACTION: TREK:    Japan Do you have an interest in learning about Japanese culture and people?  This summer through ACTION, have the opportunity to partner with Japanese churches and reach out to local communities with the gospel through English classes and by volunteering with the Olympics! English classes are a big part of outreach in Japan, as they provide opportunities to build relationships with people who would not normally connect with church. Come and be a part of what God is doing in Japan! Thailand “In Thailand, there is a hidden world of factories and fishing boats where 2.5 million Myanmar people live and work. They have come to escape

SOAR Ex - Exposure, Experience, Explore


Gift Guide

Christmas is a time when we focus on God’s greatest gift to us - His son, Jesus. Because we have received this great gift, we ourselves are inspired to give. As God gave and loved us, we too desire to give gifts that demonstrate our love for those close to us.  During this season we also often think of others who have needs that are unable to be met. It breaks our hearts to see people in these situations, and it leads us to respond in compassion. We want to help. We want to give.   As we do this however, we want to give gifts that truly make a difference. We want to be a part of the process of healing. We want to give in a way that is helpful, and in ways that would be received with joy. So how can we help? What kind of giving is “good giving”? This Christmas we want to help provide a few of these good giving opportunities to you through the Multiply Gift Guide. Multiply is currently serving in 65 nations around the world. In these nations we have teams positi

Get to Know Tammy Rempel

Tell us about yourself. What are some of the things that make Tammy, Tammy?    This is always a tough question to answer. Who am I? I am a woman with a creative and slightly restless mind. I love to design and dream in colour and outside the box whenever possible. These are good and also challenging parts of my nature. It brings freshness and newness to all aspects of my life - but it also makes me restless and, at times, overwhelmed. However, the other part of me is pretty laid back and happy to sit still with a warm mug of coffee in hand and just watch and listen to the world. What are you passionate about?   My faith and my family... and coffee... and nanaimo bars... I guess there is pizza too... oh, and decorating... macrame, knitting, writing... and reading... well, you get the idea! What brings you joy in life?   Spending time with my husband and enjoying visits with my kids and their spouses and grandkids. Sitting on the front porch in the mornings wit

Come and See...Differently

One of the greatest privileges we have as human beings is to know and  connect with our Creator. God made us in His own image and likeness (Gen 1:26), and this allows us to connect with Him in complex, intimate, and deeply personal ways. Because we are His creation, God has made a way for us to be able to reach out to Him and have relationship. But, God has gone even farther than that - He also reaches out to us! This is seen most clearly through God sending His own son - Jesus, to live and walk among us humans during a unique point in history. Now, some 2000 years later, we still make a point of celebrating the story of Jesus’ birth every December. My hope is that we do not just give lip service to Jesus this Christmas season (or ever!!), but that we take time to renew our connection with Him and continue to get to know Him as our Lord and Saviour.    “see things differently, to act differently, to live differently” This past Friday I was visiting a church youth grou

November Prayer Requests

Carol’s Trip to Thailand Pray for Carol as she connects with some of our long term workers and connects with some of our TREK participants in Thailand. Pray that she will have spiritual wisdom as she helps participants process some of their highs and lows so far in their assignment, and that she is able to encourage them to press on and finish TREK well. Preparation for SOAR pray for us as we discern what theme God is wanting us to have at SOAR Saskatchewan and SOAR Heartland. Pray that we will continue to be in step with the Spirit and to hold SOAR with an open hand before God. Relational Funding Carol continues to raise support on top of her busy ministry schedule. Pray for endurance, faith, peace, and provision for Carol. Ewald also worked for Multiply prior to the un-merger with C2C and is now working at raising his support to continue supporting church plants and leadership development in Manitoba.  Please pray for his provision as well.

Doris Goertz September Update

News from Japan!        Due to formatting issues, some pictures were omitted.   Doris Goertz “ So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6 Baptism July 28, 2019 was a special day as four new believers were baptized in Amagasaki church. What a blessing it was to hear their testimonies and see them declare their faith in Jesus. My 74- year-old English student, Tsuyoshi, invited his two sons and their families to witness this special occasion in his life and they all came. Along with Tsuyoshi, three women were also baptized. As I listened to their testimonies, I was encouraged by the way that God deals with each individual very personally and draws them to himself in unique ways. Please pray that these four new church members will continue to grow in their faith